"Was Ihr Schlafplatz mit Ihrer Gesundheit zu tun hat - und wie Sie sich und Ihre Familie wirksam vor Elektrosmog, Funk und Erdstrahlen schützen!"

BIOGETA® Experience


This is what customers and therapists say about our products:


Hello all,

I have dealt with your Biofieldformers about 1 year ago at the suggestion of my naturopath and found the idea of the modules as well as the explanations with regard to magnetic fields, ect. absolutely comprehensible. Finally I bought the Biofeldformer for my home, for my car as well as the “To go” for my workplace and vacation trips.

Even though I do not have any proven health problems or sleep disorders, the
Biofeldformer provides more “harmony” in my inner life and I feel more balanced.

Therefore, I can only report positive experiences and gladly pass them on to my friends and acquaintances.

Many thanks & all the best for your team!
Monika S., Wuppertal


Dear Biogeta Team, dear Mr. Krüger, 

Due to very poor sleep and various physical issues, I looked at my girlfriend’s apartment with bioresonance in August of this year. I found in the bedroom, but also in the entire living area water veins, grids and grid intersections. As a result, my girlfriend discovered YOU 🙂 – Strahlenfrei Wohnen – on the Internet.

The Biofeldformer and moving the bed showed after ONLY 5 weeks of retesting that no water vein was resonating anymore. I could find “only” one grid crossing in the entire apartment. With my girlfriend herself, since she has her new companion, some issues have been activated for the time being. I know this from homeopathy. In the meantime, her sleep is very restful. 

The plants grow gigantically fast and bloom incredibly beautifully and frequently. Overall, a great atmosphere can be felt. Our cat also loves the Biofeldformer, she has new favorite places, but most of all she loves to lie directly by the Biofeldformer ;-).

Dear Biogeta team, we are very happy to have found you. According to my philosophy of life: “Harmony/balance means health”, you contribute a lot with your product. 

Thank you so much for this!!!

Best regards, stay healthy!!!

Heidelinde & Miriam
Miriam Boos-Cyppel
Traditional chin. Medicine
and scar removal

Lieber Herr Krüger,

ich bin begeistert von ihren Produkten. Zuerst habe ich den Biofeldformer (XL) bestellt, danach dann den kompletten Rest Ihres Sortiments. Mir fehlen die

Dear Mr. Krüger,

I am thrilled with your products. First I ordered the Biofeldformer (XL), then the complete rest of your assortment. I am at a loss for words, I would not have believed that such a thing was possible…

Since I have your products, I no longer need my alternative practitioner.

Thank you very much and best regards,
Juliane S.

Worte, ich hätte nicht geglaubt, dass so etwas möglich ist…

Seitdem ich Ihre Produkte habe, brauche ich meine Heilpraktikerin nicht mehr.

Vielen Dank und mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Juliane S.


Dear team of radiation-free living,

First of all, thank you for your excellent products.
I have the Biowafer and the Biowafer Active as well as
the Balance Pendant and I am thrilled with all of them.

An immediate improvement and energization is intensely noticeable.

As soon as we have moved, the Biofeldformer
is also on the schedule.

Silke Maria Kost-Hussen


Dear Mr. Krüger…

I have the already beautiful Biofeldformer again decorated something… I hope that it does not affect the effect 😬… Have added a string of lights with battery compartment!
By the way, it works very well, I can sleep well again!

Thank you for the great invention….

Jasmin Praxmarer


Dear Mr. Krüger,

we got our FM Biofeldformer – set at the beginning of January and set it up in the living room.

During the building biology house survey, a deflection of almost 90 degrees was indicated in the geological fracture in the bedroom with the angle rod.

I was able to reproduce the same thing myself with my angle rod.

After setting up the Biofieldformer, there was no rash in either the living room or the bedroom.

Since I still wanted to see the distribution via the power grid, I unplugged the Biofeldformer. After that, a slight rash was again visible in the bedroom.

After the renewed plugging in was nowhere a rash !

This is a clear measurement for me !

I read a book a long time ago in which an official investigation of sleeping places of citizens who had died of cancer was carried out in German cities. In most cases earth rays were measurable. We have also received the same info from you again.

In the meantime, my wife’s and my sleep problems have been significantly reduced, although we have moved back into our bedroom.

My wife has a throbbing feeling only a few days before full and new moon, but it is not identical with the pulse. However, this has also become weaker and weaker recently.

In conclusion, I would just like to say that everyone must decide for themselves whether they want to take the risk of a disturbed sleeping place.

With the Biowaver, the taste of the drinking water is significantly changed and we put one on our Grander – device, we also have one under our water jug and under our bed. Furthermore, we use the trailers and feel well protected.

Thank you very much for your devices, which have brought us a significant improvement. 

With kind regards from Salzburg

Karl Krieger


Hello Mr. Krüger,

The reason for my purchase of the Biofeldformer was the experience of stressful tension in my living quarters, which I felt had increased recently. Actually, I am a good sleeper. But lately I woke up several times almost every night and felt like I was under electric power that I couldn’t turn off. Even yoga only helped temporarily.

So I decided to take the step to buy this device, certainly also because there was a possibility to try it out. And it was the first moment after connecting the BioFieldformer to the mains that was the most surprising – the perception of space into which I could relax arose in my immediate experience.

This perception of space has now become the familiar state, where we again feel we have room to live. The previously felt thunderous interference frequency can no longer be experienced. I experience the biowafer in a similarly positive way. One is under my bed, another one I use to upgrade my drinking water.

Again, initially a very strikingly different experience than before. I developed such a thirst for the water in the first few days, as if it contained nutrients that I absolutely needed. In the meantime, this craving has normalized and tastes good.

I see the experience of space in particular as essential in our day and age. This sets a salutary counterpoint to the constantly sprinkling variety of information and frequencies.

I will continue to listen to what I can consciously perceive and experience. In any case, I experience effectiveness in the direction of relief and balancing. In this sense, have a nice evening and thank you,

Christine Schwandt


Dear Mr. Krüger,

 I would like to give you and your team some feedback on the Biogeta Balance Schungite Pendant, which I have only been able to call my own for a few days and have learned to appreciate immediately.

I had been looking for a reputable supplier and developer of “harmonizers” and “interference suppression products” for a long time, but I had not found any supplier so far whose products really appealed to me or convinced me in my heart.

Recently, a client of mine drew my attention to your products and I immediately felt a coherent resonance with you and your offer. I did not hesitate for long and bought the Balance Pendant to test it directly on my own body. Already when I unpacked it, I could feel its strong energy and I knew that it was not a “fake product”.

After I had tied the pendant around me, I could literally feel how it began to work in my energy fields and I felt a little dizzy for a short time, but this cleared up very quickly. My own measurements (with a pendulum) then indicated that the polarities of yin and yang were balanced again.

For years I had always measured a YANG overvoltage with me … also my own life force had increased by 1200 Bovis. This alone had convinced me, but the best thing was that my heart rhythm disturbances of many years had also improved … no more extrasystoles, no more “heart stumbles, no more heart palpitations and no more strong palpitations at night.

If my many other chronic complaints would now also go away or at least be reduced, that would be wonderful, but of course I also know that this takes time. In any case, I am already completely satisfied and I also feel more in my own center again and my confidence is also slowly coming back.

I think I’m going to get the Biofeldformer S for my 1-room apartment soon.

And a big thank you also for all the information you have so carefully and extensively compiled on your web pages and made available in the members’ area.

I will be happy to recommend your products to others.

With warm regards,

Dennis Hauth, Glückstadt


PS.: You are welcome to publish my feedback with my name on your website.


Dear radiation-free-living team,

my name is Mathilde ** . I was born on 10.11.2020 four days after the calculated date in Berlin. With 52 cm and 3180 grams I was born after 5h in the delivery room with dream measurements naturally and without PDA healthy and cheerful. My parents say that I am something very special. Electrosmog reduction and your biofield shaping were there from the beginning …

Thank you so much for such a great start in life! Without your work I would not exist. ❤️

Love greetings 

Mathilde and dad Sebastian P. 


Dear Mr. Krüger,

Thank you very much for sending us the “Biofeldformer” and the “Bio-Wafer”.

In the meantime, I have been using the “Biofeldformer” for about a week and feel very comfortable with it.

For several years I have been working and living in a high-rise building and gradually developed various health problems due to high exposure to electricity and radio waves (elevator motor, night storage heating and radio towers in the immediate vicinity).

In addition, there is a considerable geopathic stress which, due to the altitude of my apartment and my naturopathic practice, has a much stronger effect than on the lower floors.

For the current interference suppression, I previously needed 4 devices from another provider to be able to be in the house at all.

Due to the multiple stresses in my home and practice, I developed extremely high blood pressure, which was virtually untreatable with both naturopathic and conventional medications.

I could only mitigate the geopathic disturbances somewhat, but unfortunately not eliminate them, since the devices for current interference suppression and the measures against the geopathic stresses interfered with each other or, in some cases, completely cancelled out the effect of the devices.

Since things were getting so difficult in my living and working situation, and my health was only slightly improving with the measures I was taking, I was increasingly thinking about moving to another house.

In the process, I continued to look for ways to clear interference, also to be able to help my patients who were struggling with similar problems to my own.

When I found your website, I got new hope that I could still find a way to stay in the high-rise building, despite the many stresses and strains of my living and working situation.

As an alternative practitioner, I was able to test the positive effect of the “Biofeldformer” for myself in advance and noticed an improvement in my health situation relatively quickly after the device was put into operation.

I felt relaxed and calm, like I hadn’t in a long time.

Meanwhile, my sleep quality is very good again. I sleep deeply and wake up refreshed.

My allergic tendency is clearly receding and my blood pressure values are now almost within the normal range.

After a few days I experienced a slight healing reaction of my skin, as my body is now more able to excrete toxins….

This initial reaction, which is already known to me from the treatment with homeopathy, however, also receded relatively quickly.

In addition, I began to use a homeopathic remedy to drain the radiation stored in the body and now I also use the water energetically processed with the “Bio-Wafer”.

I am sure that with your inventions you will be able to help many people in the future to stabilize their health through a good quality of living and life and thus also create a basis to significantly increase the effect of naturopathic treatments.

All the best and warm regards to you and your family,

Simone shield

alternative practitioner, Pirmasens


Hello Mr. Krüger,

herewith I would like to send you a feedback about your product ( Bio-Wafer ).

I have been dealing with harmful energies in the household for a long time, almost 20 years, and I also attended a seminar on how to avoid harmful radiation.

The beds were changed several times in my household and some products to eliminate harmful rays were purchased for expensive money. After my husband and I found a place to sleep largely outside of harmful radiation, I did not pursue this issue further. Now our son built a house last year and after half a year he had a geobiological consultant examine the house.

Unfortunately, strong harmful radiation exposure was detected in the sleeping area. This in turn brought my attention. Having been doing kinesiology testing for a long time, I tested a strong health restriction in our son. I therefore started searching the Internet for an appropriate
product. That’s how I ended up on their site.

The bio-wafer passed the test so optimally that I ordered a product. I then placed the bio-wafer on an interference field. The dowsing rod remained open and no longer indicated an interference zone. Since I could not believe it, I repeated the process over several days.

I then gave my son the Bio\-Wafer to test. After only 3 days, my daughter-in-law called me and gave me the order to order another product from you. The Bio-Wafer has now been in use with my son for about 14 days and a new
kinesiology test has shown that there are no more health restrictions.

I am thrilled!

I have already recommended your product to a friend.
Helga Riegl


Hello Sebastian,

I just wanted to thank you again. I’m super glad I picked you out of the internet.

Because not everyone can do what you do. I know this from my own experience, because ten years ago we commissioned a building biologist to inspect our house.

At that time we had bought materials for a lot of money and still we remained as before sleeping nomads nothing had improved.

The children at that time still small but already with a strong will, refused to sleep in their beds, my daughter even went alone into the dark cellar and built her bed there.

After your home examination, diagnosis of the interference field situation and the correct placement of the “reversers”, the situation of me and the two children had changed fundamentally. They had no problems sleeping in their own beds, for me it took a little longer, I first had to become familiar with the changed energy situation, but nevertheless I no longer felt the need to lie down at noon and felt fit throughout the day.

If you like, feel free to give me as a reference and also share my phone number upon request. I am happy to share this good experience, many kind regards, 

Tatjana Vincent



Dear Sir or Madam,

we now have 2 Biofeldformer at home and in the company in use. In addition Womo, Car, Phone Chips and chains.

After a few days we already had the feeling to sleep better. Now my husband thinks that his aches and pains in the limbs have also gone back 😉.

R. Schmitt


Dear Mr. Krüger,

I would finally like to thank you for your examination and consultation on January 17 at our clinic in Marburg.

We moved the parents’ bed as you recommended. My mother’s health has slowly improved since then.

Probably the weakened body still had to cope with the changed energetic situation caused by the Biogate module first.

In the meantime, her condition has stabilized and the deterioration seems to have stopped for the time being. She is both physically and mentally more active and overall more resilient; although still at a lower level than my father, but still much better than before.

I have the feeling that the treatments with Schüssler salts and Bach flowers can now have their effect on her. Before, they were possibly swallowed whole or in part by the black hole of the intersecting water veins.

We are very happy that she is now relatively well again and hope that it may remain so for quite a long time.

Thank you very much and many greetings,

Angelica Bogusch



Hello Mr. Krüger,

First of all, I would like to thank you very much for the opportunity to test the Biogeta-Home S.

Approximately one hour after activating the Biogeta-Home S, I could no longer detect geopathogenic disturbances by means of a rod (two angled brass wires) in any of my living rooms (58 square meters), which were previously present in several places. Also, I had to complain about strong disturbances on a wall to the neighboring apartment, with my “Acousticom 2” (Electrosmog Detector), which have now greatly weakened and are predominantly in the “green area”.

I have not told my partner about the installation of the device until today, (I was able to put it well camouflaged, in a corner behind a large flower pot). So I could determine the following with her “without placebo effect”: Already after two days her “winter depression” was completely gone (from which I also had to suffer from time to time). She was and still is in a much better mood and sings and whistles a little song now and then. Furthermore, on three days she had to deal with strong “evaporation” under the left arm/armpit, so that she washed several times a day and changed blouses more often.

For myself, I have noticed the following: Significantly more energy during sports. Some exercises are much easier for me to do. My mind is clearer and I am calmer and more relaxed overall. Then, on three consecutive days, I had severe pain in my left foot in the evening (almost like a toothache). Whether this has anything to do with her Biogeta-Home S is of course difficult to prove. However, it could well be that a blockage has been released by the biofield harmonization.

In summary, I can say that the test has really paid off, because all the above can not be a coincidence. I was most convinced by my test with rod and E-Smog Detector, which can in no way be a “placebo effect”. It is quite clear: your Biogate-Home S works exactly as postulated!

What you have created here is really absolute master class and not “Murks”, as some others offer. Once again, many thanks for this Mr. Krüger!

The very best regards,

Ronald Ehlert

P.S.: If you like, feel free to use the above text as “customer feedback”, including my full name.


Hello Mr. Krüger,

we have bought a Biogate FM Biofeldformer L on 03.06.2018. We are very satisfied and would like to buy a second device for my sister. I can no longer measure stress with bioresonance. Am the owner of a Rayonex device PS 10.

Sincerely yours,

Sandi Hesse


Dear Sebastian,

After you came to our house and plugged in the Biogate module, I was excited for the first night.

Otherwise, when I went to bed as usual and I closed my eyes, I saw in my mind’s eye many white dots whizzing around ( like in a test picture). In addition, there were many bright colors that “exploded” like fireworks. This always made me very restless and nervous, so that I had difficulty getting to sleep.

This time it was a whole new experience for me ,to close my eyes and have a very relaxed and calming image in front of my eyes.

This image was black to gray with harmonious vibrations and gave me a soothing feeling, which accompanied me until sleep.

Since then, I wake up rested in the morning.

Thank you for your valuable work, as I also know how draining it is for you.

Many love greetings, 

Danja Abel


Hello Mr. Krüger,

in addition to my last email I would like to give you another feedback after my late return home, which I am sure you will be pleased with.

I had ordered two cones from you and I have been seeing a very good kinesiologist (she has level 3) on an irregular basis.

The day before yesterday that was the case and I took one of your cones with me because I wanted to have that tested as well.

And this test was fascinating, because I am one of the highly sensitive people and I don’t have a cell phone, but I prefer a mains isolation switch 🙂

She has an iPhone and got it turned on, put it next to me and tested my energy.

Result: 0% energy

Then she put your cone between me and the iPhone.

Result: 100% energy.

And I could feel it myself, so my perception in the apartment by the two cones was hereby “secured” for me, because she hears the fleas coughing 🙂

Best regards

Oliver F.


Dear Mr. Krüger,

It really is a great boon – the feeling of instant, relieving refreshment that comes as soon as you set up the energy cones.

Sincerely yours;

Sabine L.


Dear Mr. Krüger,

best thanks for the Bio-Wafer Harmonizer, since it is in use, we can finally sleep well again ! Ingenious invention. We had tried before with … cork mats, but that did not do much in the long run.

Sincerely yours,

Martin Barwich


Hello Mr. Krüger,

Thank you first of all for sending the Biogeta device to Mallorca. We have it now for 10 days in use and I myself noticed already after ca.10 min the certain tingling in the fingers.

The next night, my husband and I slept quite restlessly. Meanwhile, everything has settled down and we now get out of bed better in the morning.

Thank you again, I have already recommended you to a patient – here in Mallorca – who will certainly contact you in the near future.

Many greetings from Mallorca,

Petra Knöpfle

Hello, Mr. Krüger!

First of all I would like to tell you that since I started using the Biofeldformer I sleep super deep and wake up completely refreshed early in the morning. Super!!!

In addition, our water is now really noticeably soft thanks to the Biogate-Water module. I notice this especially when brushing my teeth and on my skin. Great!!!

Thank you for coming!

Kind regards from Neustadt,

Dagmar Kunz

Dear Sebastian!

I would like to write down my long overdue positive feedback on the Biofeldformer.

After a long desire to have children, our first child was born healthy in 2016. Sleep was scarce after that and our child was a rather poor sleeper.

I first became aware of you in 2018 and gradually became aware of how carelessly I, or we as a family, dealt with the issue of radiation and sleep. Little by little, I changed some things, Wi-Fi shutdown at night, etc..

In December 2018, I installed the Biogeta Biofeldformer in the house and my sleep as well as our son’s sleep improved noticeably. (My husband is always a good sleeper anyway ;)) Also, he was not sick once that winter….

it was also exciting that the spagyricist I was in contact with noticed that an energetic change must have happened in my environment.

Then in July 2019 I got pregnant again and what can I say… we had twins and I’m pretty sure that the harmonization in the house had an insanely positive effect on my inner balance and thus also on the hormone balance. Otherwise – I think – it would not have come to this double happiness.

The twins are fit and healthy and sleep well. At least better than big brother did back then.

Thanks for everything and keep up the good work!!!

Kind regards Famille S.


Good day Mr. Krüger

with great interest I received your book 25 practice tips from a customer. A great compliment for this “book”. It contains all the important tips that I also give to my customers. Nothing is missing, everything that is really important is mentioned in it. Bravo!

I have been working as a freelance electrobiologist in the greater Bern area for 7 years and also perform electrobiological measurements on behalf of doctors. I am myself strongly affected by electrosensitivity since 2008 and therefore know very well about the problem.

I would like to ask you if I could give your brochure to my customers free of charge. I think it is important to pass on all the important tips in a condensed form and thus make more and more people aware of the topic of electrosmog.

Your book contains everything under one hat. If this is possible, I look forward to receiving some of your copies.

With best regards from Switzerland
Graziella Maiano


Dear Radiation Free Team,

we are very satisfied with the Biofeldformer; finally we can sleep well at night again.

Linke family


Good morning Sebastian,

Your website appealed to me from the beginning, and as it is when you listen to your intuition, so my decision was made for the FM Biofeldformer. 

I already got the set yesterday, It was so fast with the delivery, thank you very much. 

I find the device beautifully noble, this quite apart from the function it will develop with me. It is since yesterday 18.00 clock in “action” with me.

My cat quickly noticed that something was different. Her facial expressions were unusual. The looked around with big eyes, as if disturbed, she did not stay on my bed tonight, for me a sign that the negatively charged energy, which cats like to seek, already felt different on my bed….

I expect exciting experiences in the next weeks and will surely report further.😊 

One more thing: I got the idea to test the shipment I received yesterday with the pendulum.

Wow…what a super energy was indicated by my pendulum. Incredible! 

Many greetings from near Freiburg

And thanks again



Hello dear team from strahlenfrei-wohnen.

Yes of course I agree, if you pass on the good, healing effect of the ‘Biogeta’.

We (my partner and I) have it now since 02.10.2020 in the socket. Since then, our alternative practitioner can not measure any loads that were measurable by geological stress or e-smog or water veins.

We sleep much more relaxed and have hardly any wake-up phases.

It has calming effect on us in everyday life, more later.

Best regards,
Ute Puschkat and Burkhard Kroll.


Hello Mr. Krüger,

I just want to very briefly simply report back to you how great and informative I find your posts/research and papers, how true much of what you write seems to me from my own experience with homeopathy and my life experiences, and how interested I am in following all your articles.

Also your products are great and have already helped my family and me! 

I wish you all the best and lots of energy for further “deeds”. 

Sunny greetings from Viersen
Silja Lenarz-Stephany 


Dear Mr. Krüger,

My mother has recently got her schungite pendant and says she feels very comfortable with it!

I am also very happy about it every day and notice clearly if I forgot to put it on when I go out shopping, for example: The impairments by the microwaves everywhere are faster and more violently noticeable without trailer; with trailer I feel clearly less exhausted when I am again at home. There I have two of your modules and some cones, because the radiation is quite high here. The schungite pendant has also contributed tangibly to stress relief and I wear it daily in the apartment as well.

Since I’ve been using your products, I’ve been feeling much better overall and I’m grateful from the bottom of my heart!

With kind regards

Sabine L.


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am thrilled with your products. First I ordered the Biofeldformer (XL), then the complete rest of your range. I am at a loss for words, I would not have believed that such a thing is possible.In the meantime, I have ordered another chain for my husband and our youngest daughter, as well as a Biofeldformer Water for our camper. Of course I have also recommended you to others, including my alternative practitioner, whom I should keep informed about your products and the effect.

Since I have your products, I no longer need my healer 😉

Thank you very much and best regards, 

Juliane Strauch


“When my husband put the Car – Module to use”.

My husband often had severe headaches in the car, he was always on the road with two smartphones!

Not just recently, but for several years!

The good experience with the BIOGETA Biofeldformer at home has changed everything!

After only two days, my husband’s headaches were a thing of the past!

Thank you very much!

Gabriele A.


Dear Mr. Krüger,

Thank you very much for the prompt sending of the Biofeldformer. I was very excited about the effect. Since we can also commute a little, I checked immediately after unpacking and plugging in the function.

I could no longer detect any interference.

It has been in operation for a week now and we can already see the positive effect. Most of the devices had no effect after a few days. We enjoy this device and hope that it will continue.

Thank you again and kind regards,

Fritz and Käthi H.


Hello, Mr. Krüger!

First of all, I would like to tell you that since I started using the BioFieldformer, I sleep super deep and wake up completely refreshed early in the morning. Super!!!

In addition, our water is now really noticeably soft thanks to the Biogate Water module. I notice this especially when brushing my teeth and on my skin. Great!!! Thank you for coming!

Kind regards from Neustadt,

Dagmar Kunz


Dear Mr. Krüger,

I would like to use the occasion of the further development of your Biofeldformer to express our thanks and confidence in you.

In September last year, I ordered the size M Biofeldformer from you for my daughter. She and her partner had been trying unsuccessfully to have a child since July 2018. Since she lives in the city of Dresden in a 17-family house and I am well aware of the problems of e-smog and radiation exposure, I decided to give her this device. 

What can I say, since the turn of the year she is now pregnant and we are all very excited about the baby in September! She was able to cancel the appointment at the fertility clinic in time!

Many warm greetings from Dresden,

Kathrin Bischoff


Hello Mr. Krüger,

I am pleased to send you feedback on the Biogate-Car FM Biofieldformer.

For professional reasons, I travel a lot by car. The longer the trips became, the more I got problems during them, such as strong pulling pains in my head, slight visual disturbances and a feeling like “as if I were sitting next to me”. After leaving the vehicle, my body needed about an hour to regenerate. It could not go on like this, a solution had to be found! 

After understanding what triggers this issue, my search for a remedy began and I found it on your website. Long car rides are still stressful, but the problems mentioned above have disappeared !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And another very amazing side effect, which I had not expected at all. Since the Biofeldformer has been plugged into the vehicle, I drive about 100 km more on one tank of gas. It sounds incredible, but it’s true. 

Thank you very much for this great product, it is worth it in every way. 

Cornelia Tutsch


Hello Mr. Krüger,

I am happy to send you my positive feedback.

I moved to Pfinztal in March 2015. After a short time, my chronic migraine had worsened – from 1 attack per month to 3- 4 attacks per month.

At first I suspected that the move from Lake Constance to Pfinztal was emotionally stressful. It is not so easy to pull down all the tents after 26 years and start anew. Homeopathy and acupuncture brought me only a slight improvement. In addition, I constantly had a “mud bulb” and I suspected that something “UNGUT” was forming there.

My girlfriend suddenly felt the need to buy a living room harmonizer, which seemed very suspicious to me. So I started to research and landed on your homepage. While working in my naturopathic practice, I have always been able to “measure” stresses caused by geopathology and ESmog and know their influence on human health.

The info on your homepage is very detailed and easy to understand. I immediately ordered a living space analysis.

Their measurement then showed that I had slept in the head area on a curry grid junction. Now I have since 2 months the Biogate L and am totally pleased that I had a MEGA attack after a short time (first aggravation??) – but now I am free of migraine attacks for two months!!! 

Yay … and I expect it to stay that way. Also the feeling of the “mud bulb” is gone. 

Keep researching … mankind needs such innovative products!


Dipl.Ing. Michaela Waigel



Hello Sebastian, 

here is a report from my naturopathic practice in Cologne(www.resonanz-energie.de). I had a family of 3 in treatment in the summer of 2017. The child slept badly, had nightmares and infections). All three also showed strong stress from electro-smog (both house electricity and WLAN and mobile phone).

I conducted a complete building biology investigation in their family home as well as in the large office of the father of the family (other part of the city) in Cologne. The result was that there was an enormous exposure at home due to a cell phone mast only 50 m away with direct radiation on the parents’ bedroom, children’s room and living/dining area.

Geological anomalies (water veins, grid lines) were also clearly measurable. The father of the family was also exposed to relatively high levels of WLAN and DECT in the company office, since he spends 8-12 hours there. In addition to the treatment of the three family members in my practice by bioresonance and other methods, shielding measures were taken in the residential house against the radio radiation from the transmission mast and WLAN and DECT were consistently switched off when not in use.

Some technical measures were also carried out on the house power system. A residual load was nevertheless clearly measurable, as the loads were very high.

In addition, 2 Biogates (S and L) were therefore placed in the residential building and one Biogate L in the company office in a central location.

With this I achieved an almost complete harmonization of the persons and most of the symptoms disappeared.

In addition, the father of the family is no longer exposed to e-smog and geopathy via bioresonance!

The Biogates work from my point of view absolutely reliable and have convinced me!!! Thank you for your competent support in the case.

Klaus-Peter Zeyen

Alternative practitioner and building biology measurement technician (PSA), Cologne www.resonanz-energie.de


Dear Mr. Krüger,

thank you for the biogate home bio field former and for the bio wafer.

I use the Bio-Wafer to energize water and must say that I only want to drink the energized water. Also at work I always have the Bio-Wafer in my pocket and feel much better with it than without. I also like the Biofeldformer very much, I no longer give away J.

I can now sit at the computer without my head beaming. And I sleep very well now because of the Biofeldformer and wake up very relaxed. Also, my face is not as swollen in the morning as it used to be and I have noticed that my breathing has become much more natural. Also, when I walk in from outside, I immediately feel this harmonious energy field.

I grew up in the country and since I live in a small town, the electrosmog is a huge problem for me. I am very happy that I now have the Biofeldformer. It gives me back a piece of quality of life. The only thing I regret is that I did not buy the Biofeldformer much earlier. It is definitely worth the money and I will recommend their products to others.

Of course it would be ok for me if they publish my feedback on their site. I have already tried many things against electrosmog and their products really help me the best. And since I have long had in mind to buy something to energize water, I am sure that I will not go wrong with their Biogate Water module. If you want to be healthy, you have to drink healthy water. But I will order the water module only when I’m back from vacation.

Oh, by the way, I’ve noticed that I cope better with the heat with the Bio-Wafer. When I put it away at work, my concentration got much worse and I became downright limp, when I put the bio-wafer back in my pocket, it immediately got much better. I’ve also been watching my colleagues moan and groan in the heat for the last few days, but I just feel great despite the heat.

Then I’m looking forward to trying out their water module, I’m sure it won’t take me three months to decide.

Sincerely yours,

Viktor Stoll


Hello Mr. Krüger!

We are all more relaxed/rested since the harmonization.

Since then, our daughter sleeps through the night and is no longer so cold. When she sleeps in our bed, she stays straight and the best: the daily tantrums (at least 30 min long), are a thing of the past.

My husband no longer snores so loudly and digestion has improved.

I am more rested, more vital, my right hip no longer pinches and my good digestion has also improved. 

Many love greetings,

Ulrike Hoffstedde


Hello Mr. Krüger,

since harmonization all family members sleep deeper, calmer, better and feel much more relaxed and rested.

My friend’s husband and son were unaware of the Biogate module installation and both noticed the change and expressed it without being asked. Super!!!!

Thank you very much and best regards from Cologne,

Iris Nauer



Dear Mr. Krüger,

we are blasted 🙂

Thank you for sending us the device for interference suppression to get to know. Today we were at our alternative practitioner and all three of us had no more interference from electrosmog, electric fields or water veins.

We had also taken the device for bio-resonance analysis. Then, when I came home, I noticed that I got a headache without the suppressor.

Conversely, this was also the first tangible effect when they first went….

Thank you for the great invention!

Warm regards,

Eva Leonhardt


Hello Sebastian,

all test results of my alternative practitioner were congruent with those of your bioresonance analysis except for DECT. There, he was also able to determine an exposure. Otherwise I was really impressed what the device can detect. Unbelievable. He was also of the opinion that a successful bioresonance therapy can only be successful in the long run if the geopathic influences are neutralized at home by means of a waver. Everything else would not be successful. 

He could no longer detect the water vein. So the waver works great. Thanks again!

Marie Wentzeck


Dear Mr. Krüger, 

Thank you for allowing me to test your Biogate Home M and also the wafer. I myself am a building biologist PSA and of course have the Duplex at home along with some rayonators. I studied physics and therefore I know the physical basics. It was important for me to know if your devices work and therefore I can recommend them to my customers (which I now gladly do).

Their Biogate has a very nice design and is not as big and flashy as the Duplex, which some customers complained about. 

I wish you continued joy and all the best in their work. 

I think building biologists do a good job these days, especially when it comes to e-smog. Times are not getting better (but obviously the devices are). 

With kind regards 

Jutta Eggermann 


Hello Mr. Krüger, experience!

the first four days with the Biofeldformer, my husband and I slept a little more restlessly and less! But then our sleep normalized to sleeping through the night and waking up refreshed.

In recent years, my husband had to interrupt his sleep and urinate three times every night – even four times during heavy rain. This has improved considerably.

After we had the Biofeldformer in use, a bioresonance test was performed on my husband. The doctor’s statement: She rarely sees such a good test and only has to write such a short protocol. No geopathic interference fields could be detected! 

For myself, the bioresonance test before using the Biofieldformer indicated geopathic stress. – Well, my husband and I sleep in one bed!

We and also our dog seem a little more relaxed. Possibly it is a side effect: My man’s hair has become darker again and my scalp has improved.

Have had skin problems for about a year, as metals can still be detected in my body.

We are very glad and happy to have found your site and also to be able to help our son with it, who lives in an old farmhouse and has been constantly sick ever since.

Many love greetings,

G. & R.


Hello Mr. Krüger,

Within the framework of my veterinary practice (focus on bioresonance), I have been dealing with geopathies and the like for decades and can also localize them. Often they can not be avoided, because the space conditions do not allow it

I’ve been testing their Biofeldformer (bought used) in my home for a few months, as I have significant physical problems due to geopathies, etc (for years and in different homes). I have tried a lot of things in the past, from little effect to costly to produce.

I like your system very much. Energetic testing finally show no more geopathies etc for me! 😁

Kind regards

Andrea Lübke


Good morning, dear Mr. Krüger,

The Biogate Home Test Module was great! I had no doubts about the effect. Nevertheless, I was surprised how quickly it occurred. Already in the first hour after the start-up I felt clear tingling in the body, which was however not unpleasant. During the night it became stronger, so that I did not sleep very well due to the otherwise unusual emotions. From the second night on, it got noticeably better and my sleep also became deeper – that’s exactly how I knew it as a child. 

Thank you for bringing back my childhood sleep! 😉

I would like to purchase more products from you to increase my health and energy level, so that I will be visiting your website a lot in the near future. 😀 I will never give the Biogeta away again! 

Please keep up the good work and I hope many more will follow in your footsteps or similar ones, helping people to find peace, tranquility and above all health,

All the best to you and your clan and warm greetings from Berlin.

in great gratitude, 

Your Silvy


Hello Sebastian,

Oliver has been sleeping much better than before for almost a week now. He sleeps about 9-10 hours at a time without waking up in between. Really great. I am curious to see if this will also improve his overall condition in the long run.

Very best regards also from Oliver and Henning, S. 

Give us feedback too!

Would you also like to send us feedback? We would be very happy about that, because unfortunately we get written feedback far too rarely if we don’t ask for it specifically. If we would list every positive feedback we received in person or by phone, it would be a very long list … but we don’t do that. Only written BIOGETA experiences sent to us by e-mail or contact form appear on this page.

Therefore, here again directly the request to you: If our products and our advice could help you, let other people know it and help them to make a good decision by sending us a short mail with your personal BIOGETA experience.

Thank you very much!

Our GUARANTEE: Test FM Biofeldformer risk-free! 3 months money-back guarantee on all BIOGETA® products. Unconditionally if you are not satisfied!

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