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Tag: Earth rays

Benker cubic lattice

The so-called Benker grid or Benker cube system, named after the Landshut dowser Anton Benker, is basically a series of cubes with an edge length of about 10m x 10m,

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Geopathic disturbances

Rock fractures – faults

Rock fractures and faults are among the causes of earth radiation. In contrast to the grid networks, the electromagnetic radiation emitted by rock fractures and faults is real earth radiation

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Info topics

Earth rays and cancer

A question that always comes up in connection with earth rays is: Do water veins and other earth rays cause cancer? Even though I personally believe that cancer is a

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Basic knowledge

What are the earth rays?

Roughly speaking, we usually distinguish between five natural causes of radiation that are harmful to us. Namely between the water veins, rock fractures / faults and the global grids –

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