"Was Ihr Schlafplatz mit Ihrer Gesundheit zu tun hat - und wie Sie sich und Ihre Familie wirksam vor Elektrosmog, Funk und Erdstrahlen schützen!"

Category: Info topics

Info topics

An Email from a Client

I recently received an email from a client with a photographed excerpt from a book on the subject of EMF exposure. Among those are electrosmog (household electricity) and radio (microwave)

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Geopathic disturbances

The good place

Unlike our ancestors, we no longer live in harmony with Mother Nature, and have forgotten to listen to our feelings and trust our intuition. Every animal in nature instinctively looks

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Geopathic disturbances

The Sick Bed

As already described in one of my other articles, the word verordnen originally comes from verorten – at least that is how it is handed down from ancient sources, and

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Geopathic disturbances

Rock fractures – faults

Rock fractures and faults are among the causes of earth radiation. In contrast to the grid networks, the electromagnetic radiation emitted by rock fractures and faults is real earth radiation

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Orgone Energy and Wilhelm Reich

What exactly is orgone, ORANUR and DOR? Dr. Wilhelm Reich – an Austrian/German psychiatrist and direct disciple of Sigmund Freud in the early 20th century – described the energy that

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Geopathic disturbances

The quality of places

Every place has its own – very site-specific – energy. On the one hand, this can have to do with geopathic occurrences, but also with geomantic phenomena. The Wartensee Castle

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The ORANUR Experiment

Due to time constraints, I have unfortunately not yet managed to write a summary of the facts of Wilhelm Reich’s ORANUR experiment combined with empirical values from my practice. Therefore

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Geopathic disturbances

About dowsing

Dowsing describes the detection of water veins, earth rays, earth grids (Hartmann grids, Curry grids, Benker cubic grids), rock faults and rock fractures, as well as finding radon gas, ore,

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Info topics

Earth rays and cancer

A question that always comes up in connection with earth rays is: Do water veins and other earth rays cause cancer? Even though I personally believe that cancer is a

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