"Was Ihr Schlafplatz mit Ihrer Gesundheit zu tun hat - und wie Sie sich und Ihre Familie wirksam vor Elektrosmog, Funk und Erdstrahlen schützen!"

Author: Sebastian Krueger


Orgone Energy and Wilhelm Reich

What exactly is orgone, ORANUR and DOR? Dr. Wilhelm Reich – an Austrian/German psychiatrist and direct disciple of Sigmund Freud in the early 20th century – described the energy that

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Basic knowledge

The morphogenetic fields

In my opinion, one of the most important discoveries of the last century is the discovery, or rather the description and exploration of morphogenetic fields by Rupert Sheldrake. Through this

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Geopathic disturbances

The quality of places

Every place has its own – very site-specific – energy. On the one hand, this can have to do with geopathic occurrences, but also with geomantic phenomena. The Wartensee Castle

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Basic knowledge

What Are Bovis Values

In the 1930s, the French researcher André Bovis devoted himself intensively to the quality control of foodstuffs and developed a method with which he could quickly and precisely measure the

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Knowledge » Initiation:

About Earth Rays and Water Veins

The popularly used term ” earth radiation ” is basically a collective term for different types of radiation, which primarily have one thing in common, namely that this type of

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The ORANUR Experiment

Due to time constraints, I have unfortunately not yet managed to write a summary of the facts of Wilhelm Reich’s ORANUR experiment combined with empirical values from my practice. Therefore

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Geopathic disturbances

About dowsing

Dowsing describes the detection of water veins, earth rays, earth grids (Hartmann grids, Curry grids, Benker cubic grids), rock faults and rock fractures, as well as finding radon gas, ore,

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Info topics

Earth rays and cancer

A question that always comes up in connection with earth rays is: Do water veins and other earth rays cause cancer? Even though I personally believe that cancer is a

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Impfen Sinn oder Unsinn – Vortrag

Jeder der überlegt, sich oder sein Kind impfen zu lassen sollte sich unbedingt vorher den Vortrag von Anita Petek Dimmer anschauen. Sie galt als Vorreiterin der Impfaufklärung in Deutschland und

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What actually is health?

In order to answer what health is, we must first and foremost ask ourselves what it is not. Interestingly, we constantly talk about many diseases, but only about one health.

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Basic knowledge

What are the earth rays?

Roughly speaking, we usually distinguish between five natural causes of radiation that are harmful to us. Namely between the water veins, rock fractures / faults and the global grids –

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