"Was Ihr Schlafplatz mit Ihrer Gesundheit zu tun hat - und wie Sie sich und Ihre Familie wirksam vor Elektrosmog, Funk und Erdstrahlen schützen!"

On Sleep Disorders and Childhood Illnesses.


Many people are unaware that being exposed to disturbances in sleeping areas is, in many ways, an excessive stress on the organism.

The fact that the vagotone or parasympathetic nervous system, which is a very important regulatory phase of the human body, is disturbed night after night as a result of sleeping or being located for extended periods of time in geologically disturbed areas, or by the effects of electrosmog, in addition to the constant release of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which continuously overacidify the organism, all this creates an environment that favors the colonization of viruses, bacteria and fungi in the human body.

Otto Warburg received the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1931 precisely for this discovery.

Children are often massively exposed to the effects of this.

Very often I have experienced that during a home examination in several children’s rooms, one of the children used to be significantly weaker and more susceptible to illness than the others.

It is true that some genetic predisposition may play an important role in this, but so far it has always been the case that the places where the weak and sick children used to sleep were precisely those with more disturbances, compared to the other beds where the children were in full health.

On the other hand, the healthiest children, who according to their parents almost never got sick and have no psycho-social behavioral problems, have always slept in very conveniently located neutral beds. When I say “conveniently located” I mean, for example, a clockwise water vein with balanced magnetic values.

In some cases, the mother or father of the children told me that as far as the so-called “children’s diseases” were concerned, the children who slept in good beds did not contract any of these diseases or, that in cases where they did get sick, they were quickly able to regulate them within a matter of a just a few days, thanks to an intact and well-developed immune system.

This was the same for my two daughters, for example. In our case, rubella lasted only 2 days.

On the contrary, the children who slept in bad places tended to have a much longer duration of the disease and were much more ill than their siblings.

Case Study of "little Myra

In one of the clinical records I have written, entitled: “Little Myra”, I outline the case of a one and a half year old girl who was diagnosed by a pediatrician as “having a congenital and therefore incurable immune defect”, with the prognosis that her illness would be chronic for the rest of her life and that she would react to many foods with intolerances.

Not to get too far ahead of myself, I can only say that today the little girl is not only in very good health again, but probably better than ever.

It was not herself who was sick, it was her sleeping place!

This disturbed place simply put her under so much stress that her body no longer had the strength to protect itself against external infections, viruses and bacteria.

» Go to the blog post “Little Myra”.

Do smart children have more trouble falling asleep?

Recently, while searching on the Internet, I came across a forum where the members are people who have sleeping problems or whose children have sleeping problems.

In the forum all kinds of possibilities were discussed and offered. Snoring labs, sleeping pills, special homeopathic pills to help sleep better, special pillows, mattresses, beds, etc.

Most people believed that very intelligent children simply tend to fall asleep badly and wake up early.

I searched for a long time, and could in fact find nothing in none of the major mainstream magazines or well-frequented forums and blogs, that made reference to the fact the sleep problems of children and many adults are caused by technical fields in the house, as well as by microwave pollution (WIFI, cell phones, radars, etc.), which penetrate from outside into the bedroom or may also be caused by geological interference zones.

However, this is precisely the reason for most sleeping disorders in children! Something that has been known for 500 years in all health books and writings that were written before the time of the great power of the pharmaceutical lobby, and explicit reference is made to it.

Paracelsus already said more than 500 years ago:
“The most secure method to ruin your health, is a SICK BED!”

There is a big difference between efficient and effective action.

Efficient means doing or carrying out a certain task to the best of one’s ability and as thoroughly as possible.

For example, taking someone with sleep problems to a laboratory, measuring their brain waves and collecting as much informative detail as possible.

An effective approach describes doing the right thing to get the most satisfactory result possible.

In this case, an effective approach would be to change the sleeping location, shield the technical fields and compensate for geological disturbance zones.

I am quite sure that the desired result, in this case, better sleep and consequently better and sustainable health, can be achieved through the latter of the two points.

Recently, while searching on the Internet, I came across a forum where the members are people who have sleeping problems or whose children have sleeping problems.

In the forum all kinds of possibilities were discussed and offered. Snoring labs, sleeping pills, special homeopathic pills to help sleep better, special pillows, mattresses, beds, etc.

Most people believed that very intelligent children simply tend to fall asleep badly and wake up early.

I searched for a long time, and could in fact find nothing in none of the major mainstream magazines or well-frequented forums and blogs, that made reference to the fact the sleep problems of children and many adults are caused by technical fields in the house, as well as by microwave pollution (WIFI, cell phones, radars, etc.), which penetrate from outside into the bedroom or may also be caused by geological interference zones.

However, this is precisely the reason for most sleeping disorders in children! Something that has been known for 500 years in all health books and writings that were written before the time of the great power of the pharmaceutical lobby, and explicit reference is made to it.

Paracelsus already said more than 500 years ago:
“The most secure method to ruin your health, is a SICK BED!”

There is a big difference between efficient and effective action.

Efficient means doing or carrying out a certain task to the best of one’s ability and as thoroughly as possible.

For example, taking someone with sleep problems to a laboratory, measuring their brain waves and collecting as much informative detail as possible.

An effective approach describes doing the right thing to get the most satisfactory result possible.

In this case, an effective approach would be to change the sleeping location, shield the technical fields and compensate for geological disturbance zones.

I am quite sure that the desired result, in this case, better sleep and consequently better and sustainable health, can be achieved through the latter of the two points.

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About the author

Sebastian Krueger is a building biologist, certified dowser, author of books on the subject of electrosmog, and a non-medical practitioner of psychotherapy and bioresonance therapy. He’s been interested in the topics of radiesthesia, shamanism and bioenergetics for almost 30 years, after having an encounter ‘of the third kind’ with a dowser couple that fundamentally changed his worldview from the purely naturalistic-scientific one he had had until that point.

After running his own recording studio for 10 years, a personal health affliction eventually brought him back to dowsing, to technical building biology and to writing his blog Strahlenfrei-Wohnen.de (radiation-free-living.com in English).

Using his expertise in building biology and bioenergetics, Sebastian has tested more than 1200 sleeping areas in the German-speaking world, and developed various solutions for offsetting often unblockable and evasive frequencies that cause stress to our bodies.

He now lives in Dubai and helps people all over the world to solve sleep and health problems by improving their sleep environment and minimizing EMF exposure and providing solutions to offset geopathic stress.

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