How To Create A Healthy Place To Sleep!
“The most secure method to ruin your health, is a SICK BED!” Paracelsus In today’s world, we are constantly bombarded with stimulation from technology, an abundance of information, and exposure
“The most secure method to ruin your health, is a SICK BED!” Paracelsus In today’s world, we are constantly bombarded with stimulation from technology, an abundance of information, and exposure
Horses, cows and most other mammals, are very sensitive to waters vein under the horse stall or stable, and often with chronic diseases, lack of energy or aggressiveness. Read more …
Many people are unaware that being exposed to disturbances in sleeping areas is, in many ways, an excessive stress on the organism. The fact that the vagotone or parasympathetic nervous
I was recently interviewed for a book on healthy living spaces around the topic of building biology and radiesthesia. I was asked the following questions: How do you combine the scientifically
Recently I received an e-mail from a customer with a link to a video in which they tried to measure the phenomenon of earth radiation with the help of various
At this point I would like to go into more detail about the Benker cube grid, since I often encounter this grid in my daily work, usually in connection with
In this article I would like to report a case that I had to think about for some time, because I think something similar happens in many places. I was
Unlike our ancestors, we no longer live in harmony with Mother Nature, and have forgotten to listen to our feelings and trust our intuition. Every animal in nature instinctively looks
A few days ago a beautiful case happened to me that shows the natural and simple logic of bioresonance in a natural process. I had an appointment for a house
During the production of regulation modules, the subsequent series of tests and the questions that regularly arise in practice about the functioning and effectiveness of the regulation modules, one question
At this point I would like to address the question, which arises again and again in practice, why water veins in different floors are not necessarily to be measured at
As already described in one of my other articles, the word verordnen originally comes from verorten – at least that is how it is handed down from ancient sources, and
I get this question very often, so I decided to write a separate article about it. Basically, it doesn’t matter if someone has been on site before and installed or
If there is one phenomenon that should be given increased attention, I believe it is the so-called Curry Point. What is meant is the intersection of the diagonal lattice, named
I was asked by a young family to examine their house for earth rays and water veins. The house was beautifully situated, without direct neighbors, in the middle of nature,
The so-called Benker grid or Benker cube system, named after the Landshut dowser Anton Benker, is basically a series of cubes with an edge length of about 10m x 10m,
Rock fractures and faults are among the causes of earth radiation. In contrast to the grid networks, the electromagnetic radiation emitted by rock fractures and faults is real earth radiation
Similar to the Hartmann grid, the so-called Curry grid is also a global grid running at right angles. In contrast to the Hartmann grid, however, it runs at an angle
The Global Grid or Hartmann Grid is named after the German physician and geobiologist Dr. Ernst Hartmann. Dr. Hartmann held numerous seminars as early as the 1950s and 1960s, and
The best known and most common causes of earth radiation are probably water veins. These are basically underground streams that flow on a water-impermeable layer of rock and generate an
Every place has its own – very site-specific – energy. On the one hand, this can have to do with geopathic occurrences, but also with geomantic phenomena. The Wartensee Castle
Dowsing describes the detection of water veins, earth rays, earth grids (Hartmann grids, Curry grids, Benker cubic grids), rock faults and rock fractures, as well as finding radon gas, ore,
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